Artist’s Statement on the Fan Shaped Painting Series:

When working in my studio I often mix paint in paper coffee cups and over the years I have made a habit of putting these cups aside when I notice an arrangement or pattern of color and shapes in them that strikes me.

In about 2005, I began to open up the paint spattered cups to see the patterns of color more easily.
I then started to use these opened paint spattered cups as stepping off points for the large fan shaped large paintings. The fan-like shape resulted from the shape formed by the opened paper cup.
This harks back to the days when I studied with Richard Pousette-Dart who used to say to me:  “Let your palette be your guide”. At that time the spontaneous nature of the colors and shapes on my palette seemed more intriguing than what was on my palette that on the canvas.

Chris Engel

Artist’s Statement on the Fan Shaped Painting Series:

When working in my studio I often mix paint in paper coffee cups and over the years I have made a habit of putting these cups aside when I notice an arrangement or pattern of color and shapes in them that strikes me.

In about 2005, I began to open up the paint spattered cups to see the patterns of color more easily.
I then started to use these opened paint spattered cups as stepping off points for the large fan shaped large paintings. The fan-like shape resulted from the shape formed by the opened paper cup.
This harks back to the days when I studied with Richard Pousette-Dart who used to say to me:  “Let your palette be your guide”. At that time the spontaneous nature of the colors and shapes on my palette seemed more intriguing than what was on my palette that on the canvas.

Chris Engel

Artist’s Statement on the Fan Shaped Painting Series:

When working in my studio I often mix paint in paper coffee cups and over the years I have made a habit of putting these cups aside when I notice an arrangement or pattern of color and shapes in them that strikes me.

In about 2005, I began to open up the paint spattered cups to see the patterns of color more easily.
I then started to use these opened paint spattered cups as stepping off points for the large fan shaped large paintings. The fan-like shape resulted from the shape formed by the opened paper cup.
This harks back to the days when I studied with Richard Pousette-Dart who used to say to me:  “Let your palette be your guide”.  At that point sometimes the spontaneous nature of the colors and shapes on my palette seemed more intriguing than what was on the canvas. I learned a lot from that little observation.

Chris Engel